Ron Herman review - Fashion Collect

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Ron Herman

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Review list of Ron Herman

[ 1-10 / 12 ]
  RonHerman Sendagaya

I bought a pair of denim jeans at Ron Herman in Sendagaya. I was at loss in choosing sizes, but the lady store associate brought me various kinds. The store looked classy and it reminded me of California, and the store associates dressed nicely and gave me advice on pairing up clothing or the compability with the tops. Inside, they had not only clothing, but also carried small goodies or items, so I would recommend here to buy a little gifts as well. Especially those towel-handkerchives with logos or the mug cups were cute. They had a cafe right next to the store, so you could enjoy both shopping and have a sip at the cafe.

  Ron Herman Tsujido

The shop can coordinate your life from antique items to clothes. The shop looks fashionable, and I feel like I want everything. This is the day that they sell limited smile tote, and it looked like they're almost sold out. I bought it too because it's cute and reasonable. I happened to buy 4 sets of dishes and mugs with palm tree pattern. I was almost going to buy whatever I was interested in. When I asked a salesclerk about table wears, she answered me politely. Also when I told her that I want the same series of items, she checked the arrival of them. Clothes are simple and good quality, and they have lots of comfortable good items. The shop is in Terrace Mall, but I have to go outside once to go to the shop. So I didn't know the shop for a long time. I can enjoy having meals because they have a cafe.

  Ron Herman Tsujido

I bought a clutch bag and a glass.
The both shop and shop assistants had a fashionable atmosphere that made me feel as if it was in the West Coast in US.
I heard that all the shop assistants had the same clutch bags and they said it was easy to use, I liked the design, too. The way they served me was very laid back and I could take time to look around.

  Ron Herman LUMINE Yurakucho

I bought white jeans. I often go to the shop. The shop has wooden floor and it looks calm. The clothes were displayed very nice, and a salesclerk looked pleasant. The salesclerk told me about the feature of the jeans. There are LUMINE 1 and 2 in Yurakucho. The shop has white wooden wall, so I think it's easy to find it.

  Ron Herman LUMINE Yurakucho

When I came to Yurakucho for nothing, I stopped by Ron Herman. This is the best place that I can know the latest trend. A salesclerk seemed nice, and if I find a top I like, I was going to buy it. But I didn't… And I was walking around more. I found a small perfume shop, and there was good smell of American named Apothia. Since a salesclerk was so cute, somehow I bought the perfume. Lol That was around 10,000 yen, I think.

hawai daisuki
  Ron Herman Tsujido

I go to Ron Herman once in a while. There are some items that seems difficult to coordinate with. However a salesclerk shows me a coordinate so I can match with the clothes I have. They also have lots of items like accessories. So I buy a little rich accessory at Ron Herman, and enjoy the coordinate with it. I often go to the shop in summer because I feel that I want to try something like the west coast in the U.S. coordinate.


The shop is large and very clean. I think that customers with a buggy or kids can take their time for shopping. Lots of salesclerks are stylish, which can be my good reference. The cap that my husband wanted was no longer there in the shop, but the male salesclerk looked for a stock in the back.
I thank to the salesclerk to look for the cap that my husband didn't remember it exactly. They have a cafe, so it is attractive to enjoy not only shopping.

  Ron Herman Nagoya Lachic

I wanted a nice skinny jeans for a long time and I bought them at last. A shop assistant suggested me to try them on and they fitted me perfectly as well as were in nice shape. The inside has high ceiling and based on White, has an atmosphere like the West coast in US.
There are fashionable, cute small items and ideal for gifts. The shop is Ohtsu Street side on the ground floor in Nagoya LACHIC.


The shop is located on 1st floor in MARK IS. I always tend to drop by cuz there is great smell at the moment I entered the shop. The inside is larger than other shops in the Tokyo Metropolitan area, and casual. Staffs are not so many but they wait on us politely one by one. I often visit here to buy a present, I’m very satisfied cuz they choose what I want with me by standing in my shoes.

  Ron Herman Tokyo midtown

We decided to wander around Midtown the other day without any particular purpose as we were passing by. Popped into RON HERMAN. I just intended to have a quick look as my friend wanted to go in but there were many clothes I liked since it was the change of season. The brand items are normally expensive but the price on the original items from RON HERMAN is reasonable. I found knitwear in lovely colour and tried it on. A shop assistant brought a skirt to suit it. She asked me how it was but I thought 'No, I just came into the fitting room'. However she said 'You look nice!' when I came out. She also suggested some coordination ideas and I got a good impression for her as she wasn't particularly sycophant.

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