RAGTAG general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan (1985-)
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.ragtag.jp

Online shop : http://www.ragtag.jp/pc/


Twitter  : https://twitter.com/RAGTAGonline

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/RAGTAG.jp

: 4.0  -  Point:7,767 pt (Ranking 168)


RAGTAG is fashion brand which it was founded by TIN PAN ALLEY CO,.LTD. in japan in 1985 and it is 39 years since the establishment.

Related Reviews  - RAGTAG -


I went to this shop to look for a dress that I wanted to wear at a party after wedding reception. I went there because they were selling nice antique clothes that didn't look like old clothes and I could buy brands' items at reasonable price. There was no other customers as a fireworks display was held nearby, and I could take time to look around. There were ladies' items on the left hand side in the shop and I could enjoy looking at them as many items were hang closely. Although I didn't buy anything as they didn't have dresses, it was a shop that I wanted to go again if I had another chance.

   ragtag shinjuku

I went to this shop to look for a 100% silk shirt. It's on 4th floor in a multi tenant building, the inside is dark and has chic, luxury atmosphere that makes me forget the shop is in a multi tenant building.
There were new arrivals and recommended items just after the entrance and I found a Navy shirt in 100% silk for in 4,000 to 5,000yen range . I tried on but felt the sleeves were too short and asked for the staff's opinion.
According to a male shop assistant, the shirt was purposely made with shorter sleeves to make arms look longer. I fully understood and bought it. I won a 1,000yen voucher from shop's own Gachapon. I want to buy something using this voucher next time.

   ragtag harajuku

The shop is on Cat Street and has a glazed exterior.
I went there to look for a Spring jacket. You don't know from the exterior, but it's a vintage clothing shop.
However, the items are all nice and clean, they look like brand new stuff. It's a 3-storey-building and I found a Black jacket from THEORY brand on the ground floor. When I was putting it against me in a mirror, a shop assistant came to talk to me. I felt it was rare to get this kind of service in vintage clothing shops. I tried it on as suggested and the size was perfect. Although I liked it, the price was too high and I had to give it up.
The recommended retail price was written on the tag and the price on the jacket was about a third but it was still too expensive. I want to pop in again when I go to Harajuku.

   ragtag shibuya

I went to this shop for a hat about a month and a half ago. They were in the middle of refurbishment on the 2nd floor and the space there was reduced by half. They didn't have as many hats as they did but I found a VIVIENNE WESTWOOD's knit hat was sold at 30% off, perhaps from the last season. It was still cold and the price was attractive as 1,500yen so I bought it. I then remember I had a 1,000yen discount voucher from RAGTAG so gave it to the shop assistant. She said 'Thank you for coming regularly' and we had a chat. It was a very good feeling.

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