Hare no hi general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Hare no hi

JP / EN ]
Hare no hi
Japan  - Tokyo-to
PALEMO Co.ltd. 
Main item
Web site

Official : http://harenohi.jimdo.com

Online shop : http://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/mokushidoshop/


Twitter  :

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: 3.0  -  Point:5,947 pt (Ranking 7,156)

About Hare no hi

Hare no hi is fashion brand which it was founded by PALEMO Co.ltd. in japan(Tokyo-to).

Related Reviews  - Hare no hi -

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   AEON MALL itamikoya

I could shop comfortably as it was Monday and the shop wasn't busy. Although I didn't expected many limited hour sale, I was pleased that quite many shops had it. When the voice for limited hour sale echoed within the big mall, customers gathered in the specific shops and the shops became full of liveliness. The limited hour sale normally runs at different timing at each shop, so I went round those sale. There were also shops that had several times of limited hour sale a day and I could buy items that were very good value for money. The shops I spent for a long time at were TITIKAKA, HERENOH, EARTH and so on. My routine is considering during lunch time about the clothes I looked at in the morning, then go to buy them. Although I have to go backwards and forwards between same shops, this is another way to enjoy shopping. I tend to do impulse buy during limited hour sale period but I can reduce unnecessary shopping by purchasing all in the afternoon and I can feel happiness with buying many items with less expense.

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