FRED PERRY general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
England (1952-)
Amy Molyneaux 
Main item
Tops,Outerwear,Dress,Onepiece,Bottoms,Shoes,Bag,Wallet,Accessory,Watch,Goods,Sports,Children clothing 
Web site

Official :

Online shop : Same as Official web-site


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: 4.0  -  Point:6,927 pt (Ranking 2,631)


FRED PERRY is fashion brand which it was founded by FRED PERRY which was bearing its own name in england in 1952 and it is popular brand of more than in 72 years since the establishment. Item is Duffle coat, Body Bag, Parker, Mods coat, Coin purse.

Related Reviews  - FRED PERRY -

   FRED PERRY yurakucho marui

I bought a polo shirt. The shop is on the men's floor. There were 2 male shop assistants when I first went there. They didn't appear to be too pushy and just said 'You can try them on if you like'. They were very helpful as they gave me some advice which was better for me from their point of view as men when I couldn't decide the size after I found the design I liked. I saw a pretty female shop assistant as well when I went back a few days later as there were some other items I liked. She suggested saying 'It will be a special offer next week that you can get double the points on Epos card and you can take advantage of it' when I was going to buy 2-3 items. So I asked her to hold those items for me and I bought them with double points earned a few days later. The all shop assistants are polite and easy talk to. I go to this shop more often since.


I bought a B-class cardigan (Beige) from this shop. I bought some items several times before and I knew what the shop and staff were like, so I was looking around relaxing.
I was the only customer and it wasn't busy at all due to weeknight. There were B-class items that were imperfect at the corner of the shop, being sold at 60% off retail price. I was keen on a Beige cardigan in them. It said on the tag that there was a hole on the back but I couldn't see any so I asked the staff. She took me to the brightest place in the shop and kindly pointed it out. I could hardly notice without being told so I bought it straight away.

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