LOUIS VUITTON review[4 page] - Fashion Collect

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Review list of LOUIS VUITTON

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In this shop, I bought a leopard shawl I wanted for a long time.
The shop is on ground and 1st floor in the building recently renewed. There is a dedicated lift for VUITTON shop. They have accessories like shawls in the 2nd floor. When I was looking shawl, a shop assistant came and showed it to me, she also brought some other shawls in different designs and materials from their stock. She recommended some that suit me, are popular items or with ease of use.
In the end, I found the one I originally wanted to buy was the best option so I bought it. It's very delicately made and the staff kindly gave me some advice, the shawl was easy to get caught because of that material, the caution on cleaning service, how to use and store. It was a bit difficult to get in as one of the most luxurious brands but the shop assistants were all nice with lovely smiles, so I felt really good.


The exective manager asked me to buy manager's birthday gift and I went to LOUIS VUITTON.
I was wondering what to buy then a shop assistant came to talk to me and she brought me a scarf. The exective manager gave me a nice complement saying I had a very good sense and manager was very pleased with the gift.
I couldn't possibly choose it by myself so I was pleased that the staff gave me an advice as well as told me what was trendy.


You can see the luxurious looking interior as soon as you get into the shop. You can enjoy the taste of Vuitton's beautiful world by just looking. The staff is nice and efficient. That's an amazing place where you tempt to buy many items by your credit card.

It's on 5th floor in the main building.
I was a bit nervous when I first went there but I felt happy and thought 'I'm glad I came here' as soon as I went into the shop. There are many items and the shop assistants are brilliant.
I bought a bag and some small items as gifts for my family and the staff remembered my name and face while we were chatting.
Basically the personal data would be input on their system once you made a purchase and I believed that made the service with confidentiality possible.
I felt the standard of their customer service in Umeda Hankyu was remarkable.


LOUIS VUITTON is on the ground floor and they have a dedicated entrance. There are many items for Mito and I always buy here. The shop's atmosphere is nice and you should be satisfied with the way the staff treats customers. Easy access by cars and I also buy gifts for my wife and friends.


Easy to pop in as it's on the ground floor at Yokohama station West exit. Because of that easiness, I'm always tempted to go in to have a look of the new arrivals even if I have nothing in mind. I bought there several times and the staff patiently waited and politely served me when I was a bit panicky with my kids. I enjoyed shopping. I was very happy.


They re-opened the store after renewal, it's nice inside and out. They have 3floors and the ground floor is always crowded with people just popping in to have a look. There are not so many people on upper floors and overseas tourists are often seen when they try many clothes on to see what those items are like.
It's very crowded during the weekends and Bank Holidays but they have many shop assistants and it's not too difficult to ask for their help. They are even more kind in weekdays and I received a letter and some information on their upcoming event from one of them who kindly helped me. There are many items, particularly they have many size ranges in ladies' shoes section.

  LOUIS VUITTON Izutsuya kokura

I just wondered around inside the shop as I didn't have much time. As soon as I got in there, a shop assistant came to talk to me. I told her that I was just looking as I didn't have time. She noticed my tummy (last month of pregnancy) and said 'Please bring your child next time'. I appreciated her thoughtful words and she wasn't just showing and selling.

  LOUIS VUITTON Izutsuya kokura

The shop is very luxurious and a staff kindly explains about the items. I was looking one for gift and the other for myself. The staff asked me the age, gender and what (s)he was like then recommended several items. I was shown colour variations and co-ordinations. Very polite and in details but it wasn't pushy at all so I liked the way they treat customers.


LOUIS VUITTON on the ground floor I Takashimaya right next to Osaka/Namba station can't be seen from Takashimaya's main entrance as the shop is far side...you can see it when you go straight along the left hand side of the make-up shops on the ground floor. There are 3 entrances in the shop and it's easy to get in. You can go for just looking! I bought a wallet from their new arrivals the other day.

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