E.R.G les cepo general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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E.R.G les cepo

JP / EN ]
E.R.G les cepo
Japan  - Hiroshima-ken
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.bluemate.co.jp/13/60/

Online shop : http://cepo-netshop.jp/products/list.php?brand_id=3


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: 4.0  -  Point:7,374 pt (Ranking 850)

About E.R.G les cepo

E.R.G les cepo is fashion brand which it was founded by in japan(Hiroshima-ken).

Related Reviews  - E.R.G les cepo -

   E.R.G les cepo LaLaport Iwata

Bought a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. I was keen on those jeans for some time and went to try them on as friends recommended me. They were very comfortable and the staff who was friendly towards me told me the colour that suited me. Other shop assistants are also kind and they are helpful as they clearly tell me whether the items suit me or not. Although I have a sensitive skin, I can wear them comfortably as the materials are very good. The shop is on the ground floor within Lalaport Iwata. Please look for MISTY WOMAN that is opposite of the shop.

   E.R.G les cepo Ario Ueda

I bought some items in a pretty shop when I went to Ario Ueda. The shop was called E.R.G. LES CEPO that had ladies' and kids' items. The interior was very cute and looked like a brick built shop in some European town, had a chic, warm atmosphere.
The items were all cute and fashionable and I bought a dress for my daughter and a cardigan for myself recommended by a shop assistant. She was never too pushy and served us kindly, so I felt good while I was shopping. The shop's atmosphere was very nice as well as the shop assistants' and I want to shop there again.

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