Review, Word-of-mouth - FRAY I.D Printemps Ginza - Fashion Collect

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[Closed]FRAY I.D Printemps Ginza - Review

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FRAY I.D Printemps Ginza - FRAY I.D
5(Very Good) 4(Good) 3(Normal) 2(Bad) 1(Very Bad)
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[ 1-2 / 2 ]
  [ 2014/12/10 23:28:52 ]

I wear them both for on and off work as I can produce a bit mature girlie style than SNIDEL, with this brand, I recently bought a midi length skirt. You can go round easily in PRINTEMP in weekdays so I often go there.
The skirt was Navy and it can go nicely with any kind of tops.
A shop assistant told me that I could wear it as either casual or girlie as it had an elegant line, so I decided to buy it. I can use it for long time for both for work or private.

  [ 2014/10/22 02:37:25 ]

FRAY I.D is a grown up version of SNIDEL and has many items with pretty and chic taste together. The majority of colours are mainly pastel like White and Beige etc. They are in chic and luxurious image, you can wear them in style for work. It's in PRINTEMPS and easy to go there on your own on the way home from work in early evening on weekdays. The inside is quiet and easy to look around, I often go there.

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About FRAY I.D Printemps Ginza

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