Review, Word-of-mouth - Chiba PARCO(PARCO) - Fashion Collect

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[Closed]Chiba PARCO - Review

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  [Closed]g.u. Chiba PARCO

It suddenly getting cold, so I went and made additional purchases of winter clothes. It was holiday but I visit there early time, so items put in order beautifully. In the fitting room, a staff looked casually but waited on me well. The cashier staff’s service was the best. She explained that discount of LINE member and I got cash discount then and there. I was very glad. Now I get information about sales by LINE. I thought the advice was profitable.

  [Closed]Chiba PARCO

Not an easy access because some distance from the station but the building itself is big for a local store. The price is really reasonable. The shop assistants in each shop actively recommend items so all your money can go if you aren't careful. There are many clothes for youngsters. It could be an ideal place for a couple dating as there are many accessories shops as well.

About Chiba PARCO(PARCO)

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