Review, Word-of-mouth - chanel shinsaibashi - Fashion Collect

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chanel shinsaibashi - Review

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chanel shinsaibashi - CHANEL
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  [ 2014/12/04 03:50:30 ]

That was a shop I went in for an engagement ring. It's along Midosuji, in a prime location at Nagabori junction.
Nevertheless to say, the inside is very clean and luxurious.
A mannequin sits on the sofa facing Midosuji and it makes me jump, despite I should know it wasn't a real person. It looks so real. CHANEL has a wide variety of handbags and clothes, they also have a few engagement rings as well. I liked one from Camellia range but the size wasn't right. A shop assistant kindly rang other shops around and it came in a few days later. While I was being served, they offered me a cup of espresso and some chocolate, I could spend very nice time.

  [ 2014/10/22 19:12:12 ]

Not easy to go in…CHANEL Shinsaibashi shop. It's easy to find as the shop is at the corner along Midousuji in Shinsaibashi. DIOR next door looks gorgeous and might be standing out more.
There is a sign with White CHANEL logo on Black background at the entrance. It's surprisingly smaller and the suits newly arrived are displayed beside the entrance but we can only see the isle from outside so difficult to go in They also have men's items. The shop is in 3-strey building as long as I remember..

About chanel shinsaibashi

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