YEVS review - Fashion Collect

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Review list of YEVS

[ 1-9 / 9 ]
  YEVS Abeno Qs Mall

I was looking for a wide-brimmed hat for some time as Summer came. I couldn't see the exact sizes when I saw some at mail order shops and I couldn't find hats I liked in various shops I went, either. Then I saw a hat on a mannequin in a shop that I happened to pass by. I quite liked it and tried it on. A shop assistant politely served me despite the shop was crowded due to the first day of the sale. The hat was cute but the fabric was too soft, so I couldn't decide. Then the staff brought some different hats for more options. In the end, I bought the one I first saw as it was the best among them. There were not many shop assistants but I was pleased with the staff who served me to the end despite there were many other customers.

  YEVS Feeeal Asahikawa

I did not know about this brand till recently, but this brand was introduced at the fashion corner in Hillnandez, and it was the brand that might fit for my taste so I searched on the internet and found out that it had a store in Asahikawa. The store was located as you enter the fill Asahikawa from Shopping Partk. The store was smaller, but they carried clothing for men. They had clothing that were trendy and sophisticated look. They had simple clothing that were pefect for working women.

  YEVS grandfront osaka

I went to the shop with my sister before fall. I bought a top with wool and cotton mixed. My sister bought a top and a hoodie to put on when it's cold. The shop is very stylish and looks luxury brand maybe because of luxury atmosphere of Grand-Front Osaka. At first, I was overwhelmed, but the shop has reasonable price and lots of adult items. So I got excited and then I stayed there for 30 minutes. A salesclerk looked very beautiful like a model, so I thought she looked scary. But she talked me nicely when I was walking around with an item. She said "I can take the cloth at the checkout.". She also showed me popular and recommended items. She seemed so nice. I went to the shop on weekday, so it's not that crowded. I could take my time for shopping. I want to go there again.

  YEVS Abeno Qs Mall

I’ve not visited there, and I lost my buying intention due to poor customer service. Shop assistants didn’t realize customers needs at all, they just talked one-sidedly. They probably misunderstood no-pause meant communication. I don’t mean ‘Don’t speak to.’ They should learn how to follow customer’s speed and what needs realize is again. Reeducate them, please.

I popped into this shop as I wanted to buy some clothes for work.
I always buy during the sale period as they are cheap. Their designs are also very cool.
I like them as they are so comfortable at work and look nice.
The shop assistants were also nice and the atmosphere was really nice, too..

  YEVS kobe harborland umie

I bought a knit jacket whenI popped in, as it was very reasonable.
It was in Beige and very beautiful, I like it as I can co-ordinate this with many clothes.
The shop is big an easy to look around. It's a newly opened shop so very nice and clean. The shop assistants were kind and I was pleased with them came to talk to me as well as giving me some advice..

  YEVS Abeno Qs Mall

A shop assistant with a pony tail I sometimes see doesn't say anything when we come into the shop and has a bad attitude. Apart from that, the shop has many nice clothes and I'm thinking to buy some. I'll probably go to other branch.

  YEVS AEON MALL wakayama

It's a nice shop that is loved by wide generations from late 20's and onwards for their simple designs with very clever colour combinations. I also like that shop and I always happened to buy some because they are pretty.
t's peace of mind as the staff always think and choose with me.
I tried on so many but a shop assistant who stayed with me until I decided..
I can enjoy shopping with the staff like her.

  YEVS Feeeal Asahikawa

I found this brand featured in a TV show 'Hirunandesu' I was watching. I quite like it. X-D The items are chic but trendy touch is well mixed. I wear for work as well :-D The price is not so expensive and I buy same items in different colours when I like them. They are comfortable, it's very helpful as clothing for work needs to be comfortable, not only being cute.

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