Review:No.176675 Word-of-mouth・Review of YEVS Abeno Qs Mall | Fashion Collect

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No.176675 Review of YEVS Abeno Qs Mall

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   YEVS Abeno Qs Mall  [ 2015/07/19 ]

I was looking for a wide-brimmed hat for some time as Summer came. I couldn't see the exact sizes when I saw some at mail order shops and I couldn't find hats I liked in various shops I went, either. Then I saw a hat on a mannequin in a shop that I happened to pass by. I quite liked it and tried it on. A shop assistant politely served me despite the shop was crowded due to the first day of the sale. The hat was cute but the fabric was too soft, so I couldn't decide. Then the staff brought some different hats for more options. In the end, I bought the one I first saw as it was the best among them. There were not many shop assistants but I was pleased with the staff who served me to the end despite there were many other customers.

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