FREE'S MART general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Japan  - Tokyo-to (1999-)
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: 4.5  -  Point:8,442 pt (Ranking 68)


FREE'S MART is fashion brand which it was founded by FREE’S INTERNATIONAL Co,. Ltd. in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1999 and it is 25 years since the establishment. Item is Shorts, Blouson, Cardigan, Knit cardigan, Knit.

Related Reviews  - FREE'S MART -


Me and friend decided in the last-minute to go for meal on my way home from work. I was wearing a rather tatty top and I popped in this shop to buy a top to get changed. I found a plain Pink jersey top after I looked around. When I was putting it against myself in the mirror, a shop assistant came to talk to me. She explained that it could be worn comfortably as it was, or the buttons on the sides could be done for fitted style. I thought it would be very handy to be able to change the silhouette depending on the bottom items. I bought it and got changed. I was pleased as the friend made a nice compliment, saying 'That's cute top, how many colour variations does it have?'

   FREE'S MART Sapporo paseo

It’s near MARK JACOBS in PASEO. It's bigger among other shops within PASEO. There are many items for being a big shop and shopping is enjoyable.☆ FREE'S MART is recommended to young people for the reasonable price and its trendy items. I bought a maxi length dress the other day. I'm currently pregnant and I wear it almost every day. It was good buy since I can, of course, wear it after giving birth.

   FREE'S MART yokohama porta

Free's mart is one of my favorite brand since they make their clothing sterdily and highly designed. I had an impression that their clothing were bit steep, so I did not go there often, but when I went ther the other day, they were selling the traditional style black cut-sew that I had been looking for only for 3000 yen and was reasonable so I instantly bought it! If they were plain designs, I usually buy the under 2000 yen in the fast fashion stores, but they wore out or wrinked up easily as I washed them several times, and I thought I could not help them since they were cheap. But the Free's mart's cut-sew did not worn out. It was comfortable to wear and looked like it would last for a long time and I think I would buy here more often. I would recommend to everyone.


I went to the shop in the middle of March. I was looking for a formal coat and found a simple Navy coat in pretty shape.
There was only one left and the size was too small for me so I was thinking about it holding the coat in my hands, then a shop assistant suggested me to try it on. It was slightly tight around shoulders but I decided to buy it straight away as I liked the colour and it made my figure look slender because of the nice design.
There were many customers there and the staff looked busy but she was very nice and I enjoyed shopping. A promotional event was on and they gave me a bag with their logo as a novelty gift. It was very cute and I felt lucky.

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