CELINE general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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France (1945-)
Celine Vipiana 
Celine Vipiana 
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.celine.com/

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: 4.6  -  Point:6,954 pt (Ranking 2,519)


CELINE is fashion brand which it was founded by Celine Vipiana in france in 1945 and it is popular brand of more than in 79 years since the establishment. Item is Shoulder bag, Parasol, Wallet, Second bag, Umbrella.

Related Reviews  - CELINE -


I went there to buy a bag.
The shop was easy to find and the inside was very clean, my first impression was very good.
I found a bag I wanted in a very unusual colour and I bough it straight away.
You can listen to the staff who give you some useful tips or knowledge even after you decided the purchase. You rarely get a few shop assistants who aren't really keen on serving once they hear us saying 'I'll take it' but other staff who tell us how to maintain your items and the details on the brands is a real professional.


Bought a bag at CELINE Kyoto Isetan some time ago.
I went there a few times before the purchase as I was keen on that bag but couldn't make a decision. Particularly I wasn't sure about the colour, it was toss up between Black and Navy.
The shop assistant's attitude turned nice as soon as I showed my intension for the purchase, but when I said 'I want to think about it' then left, the staff said nothing, even 'Thank you' with no smile.
The staff was very pushy, tried to sell it . The only wards she said to me were 'This is the last one' and 'We don't know if it's coming in again', That was too obvious she just wanted to sell it. I decided not to go to Isetan CELINE again.


It's on the ground floor in Kobe Sogo and easy to go in. The shop is very much CELINE, simple but has a luxurious space there I'm very impressed with the dignified attitude by the shop assistants who politely serve you when you talk to the, but leave you alone and keep a distance from you when you are looking around.

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