URBAN RESEARCH review - Fashion Collect

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Review list of URBAN RESEARCH

[ 1-10 / 22 ]

Went to URBAN RESEARCH Lalaport Tokyo Bay shop on 20th July. There were many people there as it was on a bank holiday for Marine Day. I entered Lalaport about 11am. I went to buy a linen top that I had already found online. I didn't mind the colour and bought a Pink top. There were originally available in White and Blue Sax but both were being sold out. I love URBAN RESEARCH as its designs are simple but sophisticated. The top I bought this time is in simple design but the shape is elegant, it has a bow made in same material on the back. Also there are many items made in Japan and I feel that they emphasise their quality. The discount rate was 50% off! It was super value for money as 5,000yen and I was very happy with it. I'd like to wear it often as Summer season still goes on. The staff always politely serves customers. I can see their professionalism by that they don't drop the customer service level high standard despite the sale items.


I was looking for some clothes for eating out and the staff recommended a skirt that I wouldn't normally wear when I asked for her help. Because I rarely wore skirts and it was in floral pattern, I was thinking for a while. Although I got used to it after trying on, I had to think for a long time whether it really suited me or it would fit my other own clothes. I thought that normally shop assistants would stay with me until I decide but the staff quietly moved away and left me alone. I felt comfortable and could take time to think on my own. I appreciate her who gave me time to think rather than sticking with me. I bought it after the long consideration and I was glad that I bought it as people around me gave me a nice compliment.

  Hiroshima PARCO

I went to Hiroshima PARCO on 4th July. To URBAN RESEARCH, URBAN RESEARCH DOORS, ANE MONE, UNITED ARROWS, ROPE, CUPOLA and UNITED ARROWS GREEN LABEL, precisely. The store was extremely crowded as it was on Saturday and the sale just started from 1st July. Not many shop assistants were serving customers as most shops were full of people and they were too busy for tidying clothes up, bringing the items out of stocks or looking after the tills. I bought a top at UNITED ARROWS. This PARCO shop is an only UNITED ARROWS here in Hiroshima and it's the shop that sells most in PARCO. Therefore there were more people than other shops and they even provided temporary fitting rooms. I thought that each one of the shop assistants knew what to do as it was busy this time every year. Even when I tried clothes on, the staff served me nicely, not treating me lazily at all.


I bought a gingham checked skirt. They were in Black or Navy and I chose the Navy one. I wear it with a top tucked in as it's knee length and slightly high waist. The shop is on the ground floor of the Outlet Building in Marinoa City and I think most customers are between in their 20's and 40's. There are both ladies' and men's, the price is reasonable for being in the outlet store. I always look forward to it as new arrivals constantly come in every time I go there. The shop assistants are all fashionable and it's ideal for anyone who wants to take time for shopping as they don't talk to customers if unnecessary. However, they kindly answer our questions, they are all nice and the shop's atmosphere is also nice.

  urban research minamihorie

I bought a trendy long cardigan and midi length dress. It's one of my favourite brands and I love this shop as it has a coffee shop next to it and its atmosphere nicely matches to town. I like the coordination on mannequins in this shop better than other shops and it's nice to be able to learn from them. The shop assistants remember my face and always come to talk to me. I'm pleased with their kindness and I always happened to buy combo items. I'm going again soon as I want to buy a wide-brimmed hat for Midsummer and a pair of chunky earrings.


I visited the store because I wanted to look at the earrings that I have seen online. The earrings were inside the small bag, and I believe they had such a small bags over 300. I looked one by one, but it was very hard to see, so I decided to ask for a help. They asked me if I had enough time in advance, and when I said yes, they started looking for one all the stocks and drawers. But they could not find the earrings color that I asked for, and what only they could find was in different color. They explained that they could not find the exact one and were considerate enought to give me the time alone to decide and left from me. There are a lot of store associates who suggest you a bunch of different merchandise, but I liked how they treated me.


While I was browsing things around, I saw a store associate who dressed classy, so I decided to enter the store. I was fascinated by the cute knit one piece, the store associate approached me with a smile and told me that I could try them on, so I did. It was actually very comfy than I expected, and I fell in love with the sweater. The store associates gave me some pair up suggestion how you could tie shirt around the waist over the one piece, or this one piece goes well with sneakers, so I could imagine with the clothing I already had and that was helpful. The store was bright, and store associates were cute, and I got the classy one piece thanks to them.

They have various items like men's, ladies', kid's, small goodies, furnitures, and it is fun even just for window shopping.When I purchased a ladie's one piece before, they did not sell me the one that was at the store, but she brought me brand new one from the stock that was still wrapped with a bag. I really liked how thoughtful they were. The store associates were polite, and the store entrance was bright and wide, so it was easy to come to this store. It is located on the third floor on Oshiage side, and you will not miss it.

  URBAN RESEARCH keio kichijoji

I bought a shirt with stripe pattern. I was thinking to buy a simple shirt, so I asked a salesclerk to try it on. I tried a lot, but she didn't look bothered. That was very helpful. They showed me new arrived items and explained me about features of the shirt. The shop is located on 4th floor in Kirarina Kichijoji, and is still new and clean. I visited there at night on weekday, but there were a few customers who looked they were on their way home. I felt that their service was polite. I often go to the shop, so I hope I can get the polite service for future as well.

  urban research nagoya

When I was looking for a Spring shirt, a shop assistant soon came to talk to me, then I tried it on.
It suited jeans and had unique design, I asked her and found out it was an imported item.
It was a bit expensive but I bought it as I liked the design a lot. The inside had a chic atmosphere and the shop assistants were also elegant, I could shop with ease. It's on the right hand side after going up the Sanbangai escalator from the underground shopping street in Sakae.

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