INED general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Japan  - Tokyo-to (1992-)
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: 4.5  -  Point:7,355 pt (Ranking 905)

About INED

INED is fashion brand which it was founded by FLANDRE CO,. LTD. in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1992 and it is 32 years since the establishment. Item is Down coat, Corsage, Skirt, Mods coat, Scarf.

Related Reviews  - INED -

natsufuku daisuki
   INED ISETAN Shinjuku

I went to buy a summer blouse. I have a lot of merchandise by Inedo, but it was my first time to buy it at Isetan in Shinjuku. The store looked bright and there were a lot of young store associates. The store associate who served me where closer to my age, and was easy to talk to. Maybe because we had a same hobby, our conversation went well. The store music was not too loud, and I could enjoy shopping quietly. I could not find the skirt with the color I wanted, but she contacted another locations and she told me when they would have a new stock in detail. In the end, I did not buy the skirt then, but I bought a pair of pants. They had a beautiful line and were comfy to wear and I was very satisfied.


The shop is as big as 2 small shops put together and there are many items. The shop manager is very nice, makes a suggestion of the co-ordination ideas, good at offering her recommendation, so I often end up with buying more items like a top, a pair of shoes and a bag when I go just for a skirt for example. The small items such as accessories, scarves and tights are all well displayed on the mannequins and I can't help looking those items. I'm addicted to there and get their total co-ordination ideas from top to toe at the beginning of the season.

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