Review:No.177144 Word-of-mouth・Review of URBAN RESEARCH Hiroshima PARCO | Fashion Collect

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No.177144 Review of URBAN RESEARCH Hiroshima PARCO

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   URBAN RESEARCH Hiroshima PARCO  [ 2015/08/26 ]

I was looking for some clothes for eating out and the staff recommended a skirt that I wouldn't normally wear when I asked for her help. Because I rarely wore skirts and it was in floral pattern, I was thinking for a while. Although I got used to it after trying on, I had to think for a long time whether it really suited me or it would fit my other own clothes. I thought that normally shop assistants would stay with me until I decide but the staff quietly moved away and left me alone. I felt comfortable and could take time to think on my own. I appreciate her who gave me time to think rather than sticking with me. I bought it after the long consideration and I was glad that I bought it as people around me gave me a nice compliment.

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