ef de general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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ef de

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ef de
Japan  - Tokyo-to
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.ef-de.jp

Online shop : http://store.flandre.ne.jp/pc/brand_index.cgi?brand_code=935


Twitter  : https://twitter.com/ef_de_flandre

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/efde.flandre

: 4.5  -  Point:6,753 pt (Ranking 3,456)

About ef de

ef de is fashion brand which it was founded by FLANDRE CO,. LTD. in japan(Tokyo-to). Item is Cut sew, Culottes pants, Party bag, Court, Bolero.

Related Reviews  - ef de -

   ef de Iwataya Honten

I bought a cardigan and knitwear for the dinner by both families that was planned in place of the formal engagement ceremony. They were in pale Pink with sequins around neckline. I normally wear casual clothes and I didn't know what to pick, so I chose them with the staff's help after I explained what I wanted to buy them for. Although they were in pale colour, I was pleased as it looked very nice in the photos. There are many items for occasions that require some formal and gorgeous style, as well as for office use. It's handy when thinking of TPO for outfit. It was good buy as I could wear the same items for my stepsister's wedding afterwards.

   ef de ISETAN Shinjuku

I went shopping to get shirts for myself. When I went there, I was with my 3 year-old, and while I was shopping the store associates took care of my kids so I could look around for items and tried some clothing on. I did not want to bother other customers, and was looking from the outside of the store, but the store manager noticed me and helped me coming into the store, and I could enjoy shopping. She looked after the children so that the other customers would not be disturbed, and I was thankful for that. It looked like kids enjoyed being with them, and that was good. It was very helpful since if you were shopping with kids, other stores would not treat you that nice.

Good Night Gorilla
   ef de Kawanishi Hankyu

I bought a Yellow combo and a Beige skirt that I wanted to wear together. I had never tried Yellow clothes before but it was recommended by the shop manager.
Because I often go there and talked to her a lot, she knew my preference. It always ended up with similar colours when I chose, but she modestly said 'This colour is also nice, very much like Spring', so I decided to buy them in the Spring colour, Yellow. The inside is bright and it's easy to choose as there aren't too many items.
I was wearing boots then but there were a pair of pumps at the fitting room and I could easily stepped out wearing them. The shop assistants are all nice and I want to go there again.

I bought a skirt and inner wear that suited the skirt.
A shop assistant who was very polite, cheerful and outspoken served me.
I kind of wanted some clothes for work and just looking around the shop without any particular thought. When I was looking at a skirt that looked nice, a shop assistant suggested me to try it on.
I fairly liked it but I wasn't sure what kind of co-ordination would suit this skirt so I asked her, then she suggested many ideas. I bought the skirt and inner wear as well. The items from this shop are a bit expensive but recommended as its quality is very good and we can wear them more than one season.

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