Review:No.177393 Word-of-mouth・Review of JOURNAL STANDARD LUMINE Tachikawa | Fashion Collect

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No.177393 Review of JOURNAL STANDARD LUMINE Tachikawa

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   JOURNAL STANDARD LUMINE Tachikawa  [ 2015/09/19 ]

I bought a long duffle coat at LONDON TRADITION. Although I was indecisive and I was thinking between long and short length for a very long time, the staff kindly helped me. The colour I wanted was being sold out and she arranged to order it from other shop. It was reassuring because I was told that I could decide whether buying or not after trying on, rather than not based on the assumption that I would definitely buy. Also I'm pleased that I could take an advantage of 5% off from LUMINE reward card as the shop is within LUMINE! The shop is on the 3rd floor in TACHIKAWA LUMINE!

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