Review:No.177002 Word-of-mouth・Review of UNIQLO Nitori mall Miyazaki | Fashion Collect

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No.177002 Review of UNIQLO Nitori mall Miyazaki

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marason suki
   UNIQLO Nitori mall Miyazaki  [ 2015/08/16 ]

Bought a pair of denim ski trousers. I was keen on them for a long time and went to UNIQLO to buy them. Although I didn't know where the trousers were, a shop assistant came to talk to me and recommended 2 pairs, one in trendy designs and the other in denim that I liked when I told her about the ski trousers I wanted to buy. I liked them and purchased both pairs. I now wear them a lot. I never bought them if she didn't recommended them to me. Thanks to that kind staff.

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