Review:No.176694 Word-of-mouth・Review of FREE'S MART LUMINE est Shinjuku | Fashion Collect

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No.176694 Review of FREE'S MART LUMINE est Shinjuku

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   FREE'S MART LUMINE est Shinjuku  [ 2015/07/21 ]

Me and friend decided in the last-minute to go for meal on my way home from work. I was wearing a rather tatty top and I popped in this shop to buy a top to get changed. I found a plain Pink jersey top after I looked around. When I was putting it against myself in the mirror, a shop assistant came to talk to me. She explained that it could be worn comfortably as it was, or the buttons on the sides could be done for fitted style. I thought it would be very handy to be able to change the silhouette depending on the bottom items. I bought it and got changed. I was pleased as the friend made a nice compliment, saying 'That's cute top, how many colour variations does it have?'

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