Review:No.175559 Word-of-mouth・Review of MERVEILLE H. SEIBU Department Store Ikebukuro honten | Fashion Collect

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No.175559 Review of MERVEILLE H. SEIBU Department Store Ikebukuro honten

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   MERVEILLE H. SEIBU Department Store Ikebukuro honten  [ 2015/04/19 ]

I went to SEIBU as I had some spare time before meeting my friend in Ikebukuro. Because the Spring season stimulated my shopping desire, I went round several shops. I didn't normally go to this shop but I went in as I spotted a shawl at the entrance. I tried it on but it didn't suit me, then a shop assistant showed me a cardigan newly arrived. It was late afternoon and the shop was quite small, there was only one shop assistant. She was very funny, brought me items one after another so I tried them on.
Because this shop's taste didn't really suit me, I couldn't find anything I liked. However she was very nice and enjoyed chatting with her, so I wanted to buy one thing for her sake.
I quite liked a shirt among items I tried on, so I bought it.

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