Review:No.175277 Word-of-mouth・Review of Estée Lauder SEIBU Department Store Ikebukuro honten | Fashion Collect

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No.175277 Review of Estée Lauder SEIBU Department Store Ikebukuro honten

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   Estée Lauder SEIBU Department Store Ikebukuro honten  [ 2015/03/22 ]

I was looking for a lip stick for work. I tried the one that a salesclerk recommended, and I bought it. They can grave words on its cap, so I asked her to grave my name on it. When she did my makeup, I liked the eye shadow so I bought it too. Her makeup looked so nice so she told me how to do her makeup in detail when I asked her. Later day, I got a letter as follow-up service. I was so impressed by the message about the day I visited. The shop is located in front side of new makeup section on the 1st floor if you come from the entrance next to the station gate in Seibu Ikebukuro line.

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