Review:No.175182 Word-of-mouth・Review of WEGO shibuya PARCO part3 | Fashion Collect

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No.175182 Review of WEGO shibuya PARCO part3

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   WEGO shibuya PARCO part3  [ 2015/03/12 ]

I was looking for a khaki MA-1 since military style is popular this year, but I couldn't find the one I wanted…When I went the shop WEGO that I always stop by, I found the MA-1 that has my favorite color, shape, and texture! I was glad not to give up and come to a compromise. I usually buy clothes at a different shop, but salesclerks at Shibuya PARCO are very friendly to talk with. So I can enjoy talking with them while I'm shopping. The shop is a little far, but I love to visit this shop for shopping :)

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