Review:No.174952 Word-of-mouth・Review of E hyphen world gallery Hiroshima PARCO | Fashion Collect

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No.174952 Review of E hyphen world gallery Hiroshima PARCO

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   E hyphen world gallery Hiroshima PARCO  [ 2015/02/22 ]

Sale is over now so I stopped by to check new items. At this store, a salesclerk come to me immediately. After they conveyed a manual, they call in customers with appropriate distance.
They don't follow customers around so it's good for a person like me to take my time to choose my cloth. They let me try a cloth on nicely, and also praise me about my style. So I've never felt bad.
At the checkout, when I have a little baggage, they gather it up for me. Their consideration is perfect, and shopping becomes fun.

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