Review:No.173357 Word-of-mouth・Review of Chitose Outlet Mall Rera | Fashion Collect

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No.173357 Review of Chitose Outlet Mall Rera

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Shirohige Santa
   Chitose Outlet Mall Rera  [ 2014/11/10 ]

Just one more thing, I'll write about SHELTER for your information.
SHELTER is a store that has my favourite shops, MOUSSY, AZUL BY MOUSSY, SLY, RODEO CROWNS and RIENDA within. It's inside has dimmed lighting, it's cool with vintage atmosphere. Particularly a pair of jeans from MOUSSY are highly recommended as there are many shapes and sizes, as well as they make you look in good shape.
You should go to outlet shops if you haven't been yet. You can see how great the outlet price is.

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