Review:No.173355 Word-of-mouth・Review of Chitose Outlet Mall Rera | Fashion Collect

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No.173355 Review of Chitose Outlet Mall Rera

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Shirohige Santa
   Chitose Outlet Mall Rera  [ 2014/11/10 ]

I went to POINT BIG Chitose Outlet Mall Rera ♪
As it says in the name, this is a store that has some POINT group shops such as HEATHER, LOWRYS FARM, JEANASIS, GLOBAL WORK and RAGEBLUE etc. :-D I love POINT group shops so always go there! The price in those shops are reasonable enough but even more reasonable in their outlet shops! You'll be surprised at the price X-D
There is a best buy section either at coat hanger rails or near the entrance, you shouldn't miss it!

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