Review, Word-of-mouth - Kastane LUMINE est Shinjuku - Fashion Collect

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Kastane LUMINE est Shinjuku - Review

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Kastane LUMINE est Shinjuku - Kastane
5(Very Good) 4(Good) 3(Normal) 2(Bad) 1(Very Bad)
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[ 1-3 / 3 ]
  [ 2015/06/16 11:54:40 ]

When the store gets crowded on the weekend, their customer service would be horrible. Even when I came to the store, nobody was greeting me. When I left, no one even noticed. I wondered if the store associate could see only people that were in front of them. Or the customers who can talk friendly were prioritized? I often go to Luminest in Shinjuku and I knew a few of the store associates so I was dissappointed. Kastane has a brand's power, and the location in Luminest in Shinjuku is already good, so the store associates might think that you do not need to try harder, and people might come visit the store with the poor customer service that does not happen in the fashion industry. It is not the only store of Kastane that located in Luminest in Shinjuku, but the other locations carry the same items. The things to compare is the level of their customer service. At least I would not feel that I would like to come back to Luminest in Shinjuku. I wonder if the store associates in Luminest in Shinjuku would think higher of themselves.

  [ 2015/05/07 19:52:17 ]

It's common in the fashion shops like this, their service was terrible as if they are snobby and overrated themselves. They should have realised that they weren't talking to their friends. They took and replaced items that I was looking at without telling me anything. No sense. I don't agree with them tidying items up in front of us after we touched them.
It's a shame as there were nice staff as well. I'll never go again.

  [ 2014/12/28 22:37:09 ]

The colours and balance co-ordinations on displays looks nice and I often take the ideas from them.
The items are Feminine, but cool.
You can create very chic but not overpowered, I, as in my 30's, select trendy designs to add something extra.
When I went to the shop wearing a dress I bought there, shop staff gave me a nice compliment for my co-ordination, so I felt so good as well as I could find nice items.

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