stefis general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Japan  - Tokyo-to (2012-)
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: 4.0  -  Point:7,218 pt (Ranking 1,359)

About stefis

stefis is fashion brand which it was founded by NOLLEY'S CO,. LTD. in japan(Tokyo-to) in 2012 and it is 12 years since the establishment.

Related Reviews  - stefis -

   stefis Hiroshima ASSE

I bought shoes at this shop before. My perfect size wasn’t there but a staff who waited on me was so kind that checked stock in other shops soon. Then she knew a shop had the stock so called there, and ordered it speedy. I was really impressed the wonderful customer service. On another day, another staff responded me and she also understood what I wanted soon. I fell in love with this shop. Every staff give us great shopping time.

   stefis Hiroshima ASSE

This shop is in a Hiroshima station building. I had time a bit when I arrived at the staion so I looked around the building. I'd not visited there long time and many shops were changed. I found a mannequin worn a cute dress, then dropped in the shop. When I looked around inside slowly a staff spoke to me. She realized I came there just to kill my time but she never be offended and had a conversation with me. A few days later I visited there again, she remembered me though I didn't stay so long before. The kind of staff is unusual so her customer service has left an impression in my mind.

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