fredy general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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: 2.5  -  Point:7,230 pt (Ranking 1,303)

About fredy

fredy is fashion brand which it was founded by NOLLEY'S CO,. LTD. in japan(Tokyo-to).

Related Reviews  - fredy -

   fredy LUMINE Tachikawa

I popped in LUMINE for lunch when I went to Tachikawa for my work.
I was wandering to find restaurants and spotted a pair of shoes I liked at the entrance of FREDY, so I went in.
There were 2 shop assistants but both were serving other customers and I could look around at my own pace.
They didn't have my size and there were no clothes I liked, so I was walking towards the exit. Then I spotted a Gold necklace with a shirt on a hanger in the middle of the shop.
I took the hanger and put them against myself in a mirror, then the 3rd shop assistant who just came back from her lunch served me.
The price was very reasonable, 2,484yen included tax. I bought it straight away as I recently started collecting Gold accessories and I didn't have much time. It's useful for plain clothes.

asahi yama kaori
   fredy Fujii DAIMARU

I finally bought something at FREDY that I've been dreaming of! I was looking for black chic and elegant pumps. I found the ideal design at FREDY. The pumps have 8cm heel so it's a little bit high, but since the toes are stable, I don't get tired even though I wear them for a long time. The price was more than 10000 yen, but I fell in love with beautiful silhouettes. I decided to spend money on these. A salesclerk wore the same pumps, and she looked really nice. The pumps make ankles look slender and feminine. Black pumps are sold in everywhere, but the simple and sophisticated design is here in FREDY. The shop is located on the 3rd floor in Fujii Daimaru, and just next to a up escalator. The shop interiors are simple and wide. Since this was my dream as a mature woman to do shopping here, I was so so satisfied. I want to put on the favorite pumps with great care.

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