KBF general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Tokyo-to (2001-)
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.kbf.tv/

Online shop : http://www.urban-research.jp/KBF/


Twitter  : http://twitter.com/kbf_tweet

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KBF.FANPAGE

: 3.5  -  Point:7,024 pt (Ranking 2,220)

About KBF

KBF is fashion brand which it was founded by URBAN RESEARCH in japan(Tokyo-to) in 2001 and it is 23 years since the establishment.

Related Reviews  - KBF -

   KBF LUMINE Ikebukuro

Bought a mini drawstring bag. They were available in Black, Khaki or Camel, and I bought the Camel one. I finally decided after I tried several clothes on for the staff to judge which colour would most suit me in my own clothes. Normally these bags were only available at KBF+ but I was pleased to be able to see them here as there were at KBF for the limited period of time. This bag looks small but it can take a lot of stuff in and I should be able to use it very often on my day off and when going out. I was happy to have bought it as it's an item that can be used for a long time.

   KBF nagoya PARCO

I bought a pair of platform loafers. I liked them since they were out, and bought them straight away as they were half price. I like them as they make me look taller because I'm short and they suit mannish style. Although the staff who served me recommended a pair of striped gaucho trousers, I couldn't buy them as I didn't have enough money. I still like them and I'm going there again during the sale period. I was told that it would be busy after late afternoon during the sale period and I want to pick the day when I can go in the morning.

yuu kaori
   KBF LUMINE Machida

I went to buy a Summer dress and a shop assistant came from far away and recommended the colour that suited me as well as coordinating small items when I was thinking. She wasn't too pushy and just gave me some advice. I'm not very keen on the shops that shop assistants who are too pushy, but the staff here is in waiting and they don't talk to customers in vain until we say something. I liked them as they kept comfortable distance from customers and they talk to us in polite manner. The inside is based on White and looks clean. The shop is just on the left hand side after coming up the escalator to the 4th floor in LUMINE Machida.

   KBF Sannomiya Opa

Although I was keen on KBF since I found it via some fashion app, there was no shops in the area I live now. I popped in the shop when I happened to go to Sannomiya and looked at the items. The length on the item was longer than expected and I thought it wouldn't suit me. However, a shop assistant approached me and listened to me the reason why I couldn't decide the purchase. Then gave me some advice, in other words coordination ideas and the occasions to wear. I believe the shop was in the basement floor and I could go there through the underground street. The shop was small but there were many items.

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