Review:No.176979 Word-of-mouth・Review of KBF LUMINE Machida | Fashion Collect

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No.176979 Review of KBF LUMINE Machida

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yuu kaori
   KBF LUMINE Machida  [ 2015/08/13 ]

I went to buy a Summer dress and a shop assistant came from far away and recommended the colour that suited me as well as coordinating small items when I was thinking. She wasn't too pushy and just gave me some advice. I'm not very keen on the shops that shop assistants who are too pushy, but the staff here is in waiting and they don't talk to customers in vain until we say something. I liked them as they kept comfortable distance from customers and they talk to us in polite manner. The inside is based on White and looks clean. The shop is just on the left hand side after coming up the escalator to the 4th floor in LUMINE Machida.

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