Kastane general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Tokyo-to (2004-)
PAL Co,. Ltd. 
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.kastane.com/

Online shop : http://www.palcloset.jp/shop/kastane/


Twitter  : https://twitter.com/kastane_

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Kastane.jp

: 3.0  -  Point:7,360 pt (Ranking 890)

About Kastane

Kastane is fashion brand which it was founded by PAL Co,. Ltd. in japan(Tokyo-to) in 2004 and it is 20 years since the establishment.

Related Reviews  - Kastane -

   Kastane namba city

I went to look at jackets for Autumn. The newly arrived large jacket looked comfortably loose and very cute. Although the staff recommended it and I was thinking about it for a long time, I decided to buy it when it became a bit cooler. It was extremely cute. I'll probably buy it. They are available in some different colours and I want to decide the colour when I buy it. I was pleased that the staff told me how to coordinate it. I'm going to buy it when I get my wage next time, as she was kind.

   Kastane LUMINE Ikebukuro

KASTANE has items in many varieties of materials like rayon x polyester as well as denims and jerseys. It took me long to decide as they all looked so different. I only tried on the gaucho trousers but the staff brought some jersey tops that suited gaucho trousers to give me some coordination ideas, as I went there on the way to home from work in my work clothes. I was able to decide soon as I could easily imagine how they would look like with my own clothes. Although I'm not normally keen on being talked or recommended, I could spend satisfactory shopping time for both the items and their service, because I could freely look around at my own pace after the staff greeted me in this shop.

   Kastane umeda HEP FIVE

I wanted long length shirts for a long time, and looked around in a various stores, but I liked the shirt from this store. The store associate showed me some examples for pair ups, and advised me that it looked balanced if I roll up the sleeves. The store was filled with young fashionable girls and I thought it was popular brand. It is located near the escalator, so I cannot help stopping by the store even if I was not planning to buy anything.

   Kastane Sapporo paseo

It is located in the center of ground floor east Patheo. I think the store used to be Nominee but they changed to Kasutane when I realized :) I like Kastane, but they did not have any store nearby so I used to buy online. So I was glad that they opened a store in Patheo. Of course their clothing were so cute, but it seemed like they carried Dr. Martin so I would like to save money and buy.

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