IL BISONTE general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Italy (1969-)
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: 4.0  -  Point:7,181 pt (Ranking 1,545)


IL BISONTE is fashion brand which it was founded by Wanny Di FILIPPO in italy in 1969 and it is popular brand of more than in 55 years since the establishment. Item is Boston bag, Pairing, Pochette, Mesh belt, Accessory pouch.

Related Reviews  - IL BISONTE -

   COLET Izutsuya

I went shopping to the bargain sale at Kokura COLET Izutsuya over 2 days of 12th and 13th July 2015. As a start with, I went between 10am-12pm and 4-5pm on 12th. I could look around at my own pace in the morning as there weren't so many people. However, it was getting busier towards lunch time and I couldn't look as much as I wanted. The shops I went were ROPE PICNIC (ladies' clothing), IL BISONTE, as well as MUJI and LOFT for small goods. The shops for ladies' clothes were offering big discount but small goods or high brands' items were hardly reduced. Because of that, those shops for ladies' clothes were busiest and most lively. I went round mainly men's floor between 3-5om on Sunday, 13th but there weren't many people and it was quiet compare to the floor for ladies' clothing shops. Because 13th was the final day of the bargain sale, Medium size and popular items were being sold out in ladies' clothing shops.


This shop in on 1st floor in Tenjin Daimaru. Items are displayed so beautifully in showcases and shelves, and those makes us happy even though just looking at. When I opened the entrance door, I smelled genuine leather soon. I felt already happy… -lol I bought black long wallet. The price was more than 50,000 yen, it was high, but I had no regret. I never lose interest in gold loco button, which shows up on black cloth, and the zipper move smoothly ho matter how time passes and I can open it easily. I think I can use this until I’m 60 years old!


Just after I was relocated to an office in Osaka, I went to my favourite shop, IL BISONTE to buy a business card holder for my new cards.
I'd never lived here so got lost but finally arrived to the shop. it was so crowded.
I asked a young male shop assistant where to find business card holders but he seemed fairly new there and wasn't really helpful in the very busy shop.
Then a lady came and gave me an advice, very efficient.. I told her it was the first time to live in Osaka and she kindly told where to go in Osaka and even how to get back to my place.
I love IL BISONTE and want to buy a gift for someone important particularly after getting this brilliant customer service experience.


I wanted to buy a smaller purse for my travel abroad and bought one in Beige. This brand had many pretty handbags I wanted to buy.
The purse was so cute and it's got better as much as I use it. Easy to take coins out, too.

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