DIESEL general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Italy (1978-)
Renzo ROSSO 
Renzo ROSSO 
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.diesel.co.jp/

Online shop : http://store.diesel.com/it


Twitter  : https://twitter.com/DIESEL

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Diesel

: 4.7  -  Point:7,440 pt (Ranking 643)


DIESEL is fashion brand which it was founded by Renzo ROSSO in italy in 1978 and it is 46 years since the establishment. Item is Down jacket, Key case, Sandals, Waistcoat, Key Ring.

Related Reviews  - DIESEL -

   DIESEL creare

Bought a cotton dress. I like the design that can be only achieved by draping, and very comfortable material for my sensitive skin as well as it won't become tattered even after many washes. The inside was bright and fashionable, and it was easy to look around as the items were placed under each theme. The staff was kind and she served me with a smile without showing an annoying face despite I tried on so many items. I bought there many times before and I've never had unpleasant feeling towards their service and I can't help going there as all the shop assistants are gentle. It's a shop I want to buy henceforward.

   DIESEL Ikebukuro PARCO

I found a nice top and asked the staff to hold it for me as I liked other item in a different shop. However I forgot about the reserved item while I was looking around other shops and went home (lol). I popped back in on the following day on the way to somewhere near. When I apologised 'Sorry...', the staff said 'You loved that top a lot, didn't you? We still hold it for you in the back (lol)'. They still kept it for me. Impressed. I bought the top and became friends with the staff before went home (lol). I'll pop in again.


I went to buy a baseball cap for my boyfriend's gift. I found a cute White cap on the high shelf that I couldn't reach. I liked it as it's modest in White pile fabric with some designs. A male shop assistant noticed me and took it down for me, saying 'That's a new arrival'. Also he showed me a catalogue, saying 'It's also available in Black'. Although I said I preferred the Black one as that colour was more suitable for boyfriend, it was sold out at IKSPIARI shop. He said more stock would be coming in as they were new arrivals, but I wanted it on the day. So I asked him to find out if any other shops still had it, and to arrange ordering it for me.


I have several pair of jeans from this store. This store makes jeans thinner than the other stores and they fit well for Japanese body shapes. I am very skinny so I don’t buy jeans anywhere else. Among the jeans they offer, the jeans made with sweats fabric would best for long flights to overseas since they streches very well as if you could even do yoga with them on. The Appreal is good at pronounced casual and fade finish. Their line of shoes are very cute and I often buy them. They also give us some gifts depending on how much points I have collected, it makes it all fun to accumulating points.

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