Vivienne Westwood review - Fashion Collect

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Vivienne Westwood

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Review list of Vivienne Westwood

[ 1-9 / 9 ]
  vivienne westwood nagoya

I often go to this shop during date with my boyfriend. Bought a satin dress. The detail was well designed and I just couldn't help loving it! No one is wearing same clothes as this brand's is a good point of VIVIENNE WESTWOOD's design. The shop assistants don't unnecessarily come to talk to customers at this shop and I like it as I can take time to look around. I don't like shop with the staff talks to customers in vain, and the way they serve is just right for me as I can ask whenever and whatever, I want to. The inside is fashionable and I can feel as if traveling to a different dimension. Also I was very pleased that they brought a brand new one saying that she'd get a new one', when I bought something.


It has been my favourite brand since I was a student. As I thought I hadn't been there lately, I decided to pop in when I went to Sogo. I always thought that the shop assistants always hadn't much motivation. Even when I go in with full of purchase desire, the staff is doing some paperwork at the till or just watching us modestly at most times. It was the same on the day I went, they never said anything when me and boyfriend were talking but we couldn't decide what to buy. I knew they would serve me if I asked for, but I felt disgusted as I could see they put priority on the regular customers. It's the nearest shop that were selling ladies' items but I'll buy via mail order.

yuki ho
  SOGO Yokohama

I went to First Sale on January 2nd. I arrived there afternoon, there were crowded enough. I wanted to look around on upper floors so wanted to use elevators, but the crowd was horrible so I used escalators. I thought escalators were faster than elevators. My purpose was Vivienne Westwood’s discount sale. Not only seasonal items but also goods and accessories became low-price. Some bags, which were standard types were not on sale, though. For me, I was especially glad that basic type coats had discount price. It’s a seasonal item but simple design so I was worried that those coats had left until the Sale. I’d been considering to buy it for proper price but I was a smart customer to wait for it until First Sale. Only bigger size was sold out. I can wear small one, but I thought the bigger one was better cuz I bundle up under a coat. Then suspended the judgment for a while. About Vivienne, it was good that there is not so crowd that I could try on smoothly.


Shop space is not so large. They have clothes, bags, and accessories. Accessoires are abundant, I think. There are many glass showcase. Nevertheless it was weekend but there were only 2 shop staffs. It may be because inside is narrow. Both of them were waiting on other customers. I already decide what I buy so was troubled that I had to wait for them to pay. After that they apologized me for waiting. It may be just bad timing, though. It was in Demember so they put the item in Christmas shopping bag.

  DAIMARU Sapporo

I normally go to the new year's sale on the 3rd or 4th day on purpose as the first day is always too crowded. I went to Daimaru Sapporo on 5th January this year. It was not as crowded as previous days, and many items were available in the store.
Although I said not crowded, still a sale day, there were more people compare to ordinary days. Popular items and absolute bargains flew away so I went for what I wanted first. You can get sale information online and detailed product line-up can be found on brands' website so I already kept in mind what I really wanted.
Some shops had limited time offers so I ran for it as soon as I heard the signal. Looking around the shopping table among senior ladies. XD
I always buy some brands' name handkerchiefs at Daimaru every year. I tend to buy many from Vivien Westwood, Yves Saint Laurent etc. for spares as they are so reasonable.. ;-)

I went to the shop to have a look of a dress I was keen on, after I saw it at an online shop.
I tried on and a shop assistant told me that there were several ways to co-ordinate with that dress.
The actual dress was much prettier than expected, the size was just right for me, too so I bought it.
I got a Thank you card a few days later and I was very pleased that that staff even remember what we talked on that day.
There are many nice and kind shop assistants and you can take time to look around, highly recommended.

I bought a wallet and necklace from VIVIENNE WESTWOOD Shibuya PARCO shop. Although I had wanted VIVIENNE WESTWOOD's wallet for a long time, I couldn't find the design I liked. Then I found one that came through my intuition when I went there the other day. I started using it straight away and I often go out just with that wallet. I also happened to buy a necklace as there was one I liked. I wanted a pair earrings worn by a shop assistant but I couldn't afford them. I want to go to buy there again!

I like VIVIENNE WESTWOOD and I'm collecting various items and I bought a pretty accessories newly arrived. I also purchased a bottle of perfume. I didn't mean to buy this perfume but the staff kindly recommended and let me try several smells, I liked one of them and decided to buy it. There are not many shop assistants there but all of them remember customers' faces. Although they are never too pushy. they greet to make us realise they haven't forgotten us, so it's nice and easy to shop. My favourite shop. I like the brand itself but also the staff is really nice. Even if going with kids, they never show any grumpy faces. That's great.

The staff is nice and polite in this shop. When I was looking for my friend's gift, a shop assistant kindly helped me, putting the items against me as I was in similar size as my friend was, to see the size was OK and how it looked. I want to go there again.

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