Review:No.173209 Word-of-mouth・Review of Vivienne Westwood shibuya PARCO | Fashion Collect

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No.173209 Review of Vivienne Westwood shibuya PARCO

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   Vivienne Westwood shibuya PARCO  [ 2014/10/24 ]

I bought a wallet and necklace from VIVIENNE WESTWOOD Shibuya PARCO shop. Although I had wanted VIVIENNE WESTWOOD's wallet for a long time, I couldn't find the design I liked. Then I found one that came through my intuition when I went there the other day. I started using it straight away and I often go out just with that wallet. I also happened to buy a necklace as there was one I liked. I wanted a pair earrings worn by a shop assistant but I couldn't afford them. I want to go to buy there again!

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