une nana cool general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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une nana cool

JP / EN ]
une nana cool
Japan  - Kyoto-fu
une nana cool corp,, Wacoal Holdings Corp. 
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.une-nana-cool.com/main.php

Online shop : http://zozo.jp/shop/unenanacool/


Twitter  : https://twitter.com/une_nana_cool

Facebook :

: 4.0  -  Point:5,884 pt (Ranking 7,415)

About une nana cool

une nana cool is fashion brand which it was founded by une nana cool corp,, Wacoal Holdings Corp. etc in japan(Kyoto-fu).

Related Reviews  - une nana cool -

   une nana cool shimokitazawa

I became to know this brand via ZOZOTOWN and used to buy through mail order and it was difficult to find my size. However, I went to the shop in Shimokitazawa I often visited because there were many designs and sizes and I actually wanted to go. There were 2 shop assistants and both were very kind and polite. They arranged to order the item I liked but they didn't have in my size there! Also there were custom appliques (has to be purchased separately) that could be ordered and they offer a service to attach it free of charge while we were waiting, so I felt it was priceless that we couldn't experience by mail order. I wear it a lot as the design is cute, fabric and quality are both good, it had better durability compared to items from other brands.

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