Steven Alan general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Steven Alan

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Steven Alan
America (1999-)
Steven Alan 
Steven Alan 
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: 3.5  -  Point:6,165 pt (Ranking 6,186)

About Steven Alan

Steven Alan is fashion brand which it was founded by Steven Alan which was bearing its own name in america in 1999 and it is 25 years since the establishment. Item is Scarf, Shirt, Pants, Cut sew, Sweater.

Related Reviews  - Steven Alan -

   Steven Alan LUMINE Shinjuku 2

I bought a striped ladies shirt for a return gift for white day. I asked a salesclerk about body size, and she told me that the shop has the size M, S and American size P. I choose the size S. The salesclerk told me that they've just got new shirts. Their items are all amazing. I went to the shop at night on a weekday, and there were lots of people coming in. A salesclerk checked stocks quickly and gave me advice. The shop has wooden floor and warm atmosphere. The shop is located on the 3rd floor in LUMINE 2 and the shop is widely open so it's easy to find it.

I went for shopping with my brother and bought a spring coat. There are so many kinds of colors, and a salesclerk gave me advice for coordinate. After I thought it over, I decided to buy the dark blue. The salesclerk didn't look bad at all because I tried the coat a few times. That was good impression. There were many customers in the shop. Salesclerks were working with smiles, and the shop looked clean.

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