shu uemura general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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shu uemura

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shu uemura
Japan  - Tokyo-to (1965-)
Main item
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: 4.0  -  Point:5,309 pt (Ranking 10,206)

About shu uemura

shu uemura is fashion brand which it was founded by Shu UEMURA which was bearing its own name in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1965 and it is popular brand of more than in 59 years since the establishment. Item is Lotion, Lotion, cosmetics.

Related Reviews  - shu uemura -

   shu uemura Okayama Takashimaya

I used shuuemura’s items for the first time because of my friend’s recommend. I purchased cleansing oil and lotion. Cute beauty advisors explained how to use lotion very politely, it’s very easy to understand so I tended to buy special cottons, too. White cat’s draw of limited bottles are really cute and sense of use was great so I’m going to continue to use them. The shop is in Okayama-Takashimaya. Enter the front door, go straight a bit, then it’s on your left side.

   T Galleria Okinawa by DFS

We went to a duty free shop, GALLERIA by a car when we went on a trip to Okinawa last year. Although we used sat nav system, we had to go round as we didn't know where the car park was. (lol) It was huge and you'd better to look at the signs nearby as it was very difficult to find the entrance even after sat nav said 'You've reached the destination!' The inside was very nice and had a luxurious atmosphere. There were many brand shops and I bought some make up items from SHU UEMURA and CHANEL. The staff was very nice and kind, even told me about other brands. We tend to forget because it's domestic trip but we can't receive the purchased until you get to the airport as they are duty free items. You'd better to remember that you can't get them there. That was my mistake that I bought the make up items that I wanted to use straight away and I was explained at the till that the items would be given to me at the airport. However I lost nothing as I liked them and the price was reasonable.

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