SEE BY CHLOÉ general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
France (2001-)
Gaby Aghion 
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: 4.6  -  Point:5,547 pt (Ranking 9,009)


SEE BY CHLOÉ is fashion brand which it was founded by Gaby Aghion in france in 2001 and it is 23 years since the establishment. Item is Sweatshirt, Muffler, Skirt, Knit Dress, Sunglasses.

Related Reviews  - SEE BY CHLOÉ -

Chloe is known for the shop that has wallets, bags, and perfumes. But this shop has Ladies wear and adult-featured and relaxed atmosphere. Lots of salesclerks seem calm so I can enjoy shopping easily. When I was looking at a dot pattern skirt on the display, a salesclerk asked me gently if I want to try it on. She gave me advice to coordinate with the skirt, so I was sure to buy it. The wrapping is very beautiful, so I feel good to be there. I think that this is the great shop to enjoy shopping with wonderful salesclerks.


I always check items every season. I don’t often buy sth but tend to drop by there influenced by staffs’ kind customer service. They speak to us timely, explain items of theme so we can be exposed SEE BY CHLOE’s world vision just by talking to them. Also their response on the phone is polite. As a result, I want to go there every time I get information. This shop is located on 3rd floor in SOGO in the inmost corner of underground passage from East exit at Yokohama station. If you have a premium card or SEIBU member’s card, you can get member benefits in several times a year, so you can do reasonable shopping !


The shop is on 2nd floor in Shibuya Hikarie directly connected from the station. It's not very big but still bigger than other shops who sell SEE BY CHLOE and it has a wide variety of items.
They normally have a sale whenever Hikarie has theirs so it's very attractive. The shop assistants are very nice and kind, they are keen on serving even on the sale days, they explain about the items and actively check their stock if they have what we ask for.
I couldn't decide which pass case I should buy when I went there last time but I bought it with a shop assistant's kind help as she was much nicer than the one in other brand shop I went earlier on the day.


I went on trip to Tokyo for the first time. I went to SEE BY CHLOE as I had been researching about the wallets and wanted to go to its shop for a long time. It was easy to find Shibuya Hikarie. I think it makes a good meeting point as it's just outside the Shibuya station. I got lost to get to SEE BY CHLOE within the store because of lack of my direction sense. The inside the shop was very chic and more suitable for adult customers. The staff kindly tells us about the new arrivals and current popular items.

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