Review:No.174004 Word-of-mouth・Review of SEE BY CHLOÉ SOGO Yokohama | Fashion Collect

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No.174004 Review of SEE BY CHLOÉ SOGO Yokohama

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   SEE BY CHLOÉ SOGO Yokohama  [ 2015/01/10 ]

I always check items every season. I don’t often buy sth but tend to drop by there influenced by staffs’ kind customer service. They speak to us timely, explain items of theme so we can be exposed SEE BY CHLOE’s world vision just by talking to them. Also their response on the phone is polite. As a result, I want to go there every time I get information. This shop is located on 3rd floor in SOGO in the inmost corner of underground passage from East exit at Yokohama station. If you have a premium card or SEIBU member’s card, you can get member benefits in several times a year, so you can do reasonable shopping !

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