ROSE BUD general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Japan  - Tokyo-to (1993-)
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: 4.5  -  Point:10,262 pt (Ranking 31)


ROSE BUD is fashion brand which it was founded by in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1993 and it is 31 years since the establishment. Item is Trekking shoes, Court, Leg warmers, Jacket, Clutch bag.

Related Reviews  - ROSE BUD -

boushi zuki

Because there were many customers around, the staff didn't come when I looked at clothes. The shop assistants seemed to be busy as there were many customers for the sale period. However they greeted us with smiles and the shop had a cheerful atmosphere. The clothes that they were wearing were cute and I could learn a lot from them. Although I wanted to buy the cute hat that the staff was wearing, they were already being sold out. It was a shame as there were only Autumn hats available. When I was looking at sandals and pumps at the shoe section, the staff kindly came to talk to me. She served me friendly, saying 'They are cute, aren't they?' and she gave me an impression that she was easy to talk to. I didn't buy anything in the end but I was happy to be able to look at the cute clothes.

   rose bud shinsaibashi

I often go to this shop when I want to buy trendy items at reasonable price. My husband also likes the shop and we look around men's section together but I feel it's a bit difficult to look at as the shop is a bit small. On the other hand, there is an enjoyment to find bargain items among them. My favourite in the shop is the shoe section and there are many varieties in trendy styles. Although there are many items overall and it's a job to go round to look at them all as there are always many customers, a good point is that the fitting rooms are quite big and comfortable to use. I like the staff as they politely serve customers when we need, and personally that way suits me.


It's just after going up the escalator on the 2nd floor of Fukuoka PARCO main building. I often go there and buy shoes. The pair of Green pumps with bows looked so pretty and I bought them. They are not cheap but I buy my shoes at this shop because of its durability. I asked a shop assistant to bring my size and that was the last pair in my size for being popular so I decided to buy them. It was about a year ago but they are still my favourite.

   ROSE BUD LUMINE Ikebukuro

I often buy there as the shop has an easy access from the station, the price is reasonable and there are many trendy items. I always check out the shoes as there are many lovely shoes there. I bought a pair of sandals with wedged soles this Summer. The shop has a stately interior and its items look quite edgy and cool, but it's easy to go in without any hesitation as the shop assistants are friendly. They tell us sale information, re-stocked items and ask other shops around when they don't have what customers want as well as ordering them. Also the way they serve customers is polite! I happen to buy as I always find what I like. It's easy to fully coordinate as there are many nice small items as well as clothing and shoes, this is another recommended point.

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