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Japan  - Tokyo-to (1978-)
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: 3.5  -  Point:7,098 pt (Ranking 1,916)


PAGEBOY is fashion brand which it was founded by in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1978 and it is 46 years since the establishment. Item is Long skirt, Shirt, Mule, Court, Knit cardigan.

Related Reviews  - PAGEBOY -

chou pokemon

Because the price was reduced for a sale, I bought overalls that I wanted for a long time. Also bought a top to wear with them. The shop wasn't very busy and I was worried if the staff would soon come to serve me. A shop assistant gave me a sale voucher and I could buy them cheaper. The shop assistants weren't too pushy and I was very happy as I could take time to comfortably shop and check new arrivals

   PAGEBOY Feeeal Asahikawa

I am in the early 20s, and I like Page Boy since I was a high schooler. Their clothing are cute and casual. I think it is a brand for younger people. My favorites are shoes. I have three pairs by Page Boy and they were all cute and easy to walk around with and I loved them★It would not make you tired even the heels were about 8cm so everytime I go, I cannot help cheking out their shoes. I recommend this store since they carry various kinds.

   PAGEBOY Shinjuku Milord

I bought a floral knee length skirt that had very Spring taste. A mannequin was wearing it and I put it against myself in the mirror, it was very cute and decided to buy it immediately.
The colour was also chic. I didn't think knee length skirt suited me as I was short, so I always passed through. However I started thinking to get one because they were trendy and popular in any shop. I'm now pleased to have added my favourite skirt. I also bought the same top as the one worn by the mannequin, so I want to wear them soon.
The inside wasn't very big but it was easy to look around as not too busy due to weekday. The shop assistants were all cheerful and lively, I want to go there again soon.

   PAGEBOY amuest hakata

I often buy from this shop as there are many cute items and the price is reasonable.
I bought Navy floral culottes the other day.
The shop assistants casually come to talk to us so it's easy to ask for their advice. There were 3 more customers on the day but everybody was joyfully talking to the shop assistants.
The shop might be smaller compare to other shops? but I like it as I can feel 'At-home' atmosphere. When they aren't busy, a customer gets more than one shop assistants and I can enjoy it as I like talking.

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