ORIHICA general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Kanagawa-ken
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.orihica.com/

Online shop : http://onlineshop.orihica.com/


Twitter  :

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/ORIHICA/93056487584

: 4.0  -  Point:7,395 pt (Ranking 785)


ORIHICA is fashion brand which it was founded by in japan(Kanagawa-ken).

Related Reviews  - ORIHICA -

   ORIHICA mioka

Purchased a casual style jacket. Although I didn't have anything in mind to buy, I bought it as the staff was very friendly and it was good value for money at the sale price. She politely wrapped it and I thought that it was a very nice shop with kind staff. I wore it several time since and it perfectly fitted as the staff found the size that suited me. I wanted something to put over my tops from this season on and it was good buy.


I went to buy a necktie pin for my boyfriend's promotion gift. As soon as I went into the store, the store associate greeted me, so I asked them to show me the necktie pins. They were not in variety, but they were designed well, and was excellent of the length and the pressure of pinching. I chose the one that fit to my boyfriend, and asked them to wrap it for me. The image was perfect, and they told me that it had a strength to pinch, so he could even use it as money pins. They wrapped really nicely, and they sent me off and I was satisfied with my shopping.

   ORIHICA fululugarden yachiyo

I bought some ties. I've been looking for a tie. A salesclerk brought me a shirt to match with a tie. They don't talk to me that much, so it's easy to walk in. There were lots of sale items. I had fun shopping. I found that I could get cheaper if I buy some more ties, so I bought some. There were lots of designs so It was pretty good purchase.

   ORIHICA Atre Kawagoe

I purchased husband’s business coat. The shop was just having a sale so I was satisfied with the bargain. Also, a staff has same last name as me, which is unfamiliar. I had friendly feeling towards her & we enjoyed a great conversation. In addition, surprisingly, we have same last name, different Chinese characters though! I could not only do valuable shopping, but also enjoyed it!

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