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niko and...

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niko and...
Japan  - Tokyo-to (2007-)
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: 4.6  -  Point:11,029 pt (Ranking 20)

About niko and...

niko and... is fashion brand which it was founded by TRINITY ARTS INC. in japan(Tokyo-to) in 2007 and it is 17 years since the establishment.

Related Reviews  - niko and... -

   niko and... AEON MALL wakayama

Went to look for a gift for my friend's moving. I often buy clothes at NICO AND, and I like there as the staff's service is always good. I looked at small items but I couldn't decide which to buy because there were many cute items. Finally, I chose 2 cups and a box that was made by ceramic and could be used in the kitchen. The shop still had a sale and I could buy them cheaper. The staff kindly wiped the items and politely gift-wrapped them. It was only for 10 minutes for wrapping them and didn't take long at all. I'm happy with my shopping experience,

   niko and... omiya Stellartown

Although I was going to buy cute White trousers, I didn't buy them as the size didn't fit me unfortunately. The layout of small items and clothes were well considered, and it was easy to go in and look around. The sale items were well-placed, put together. When I told her that my size wasn't there, the staff politely treated me saying 'The items on the shelf are all we have but I'll double check the stock' . Because they didn't have them in the stock, I put them back where they were, and other shop assistant said 'We are ever so sorry. Thank you very much'. I felt the perfect staff training was being given in this shop.


Although I wanted go there during the Summer bargain sale, I couldn't make it and I went on 31st July when I went to somewhere else. It was in the afternoon but it wasn't very busy as it was on a weekday. I could park at the car park without any problem. I went for LAUNDRY, NIKO AND... and CIAO PANIC. Because they were 30% off, I was thinking whether I should buy a T-shirt at LAUNDRY, but gave up my own stuff and instead, bought a kid T-shirt that were also 30% off. Despite the price was reduced a lot, there were many designs that I recently saw at a shop (not outlet). I then moved to GAP and bought 2 pairs of shorts to wear as lounge wear as they were 60% off. The price on the items at GAP was reduced from the outlet price and they were very good value for money! Although I thought that there would be more people due to Summer holiday, the shop was unexpectedly empty. When we move between shops, we had to go through outside corridors and I thought it would be hot when it was a fine day. There were many overseas tourists.

   niko and... LaLaport TOKYO BAY

It's a shop within a mega shopping mall. There were so many people and it was very lively as it was during the sale when I went there. There were many Summer items being sold at 50% off the retail price laid on the table. It had many T-shirts. Blouses and dresses made by the Summer-like materials that looked refreshing. The designs on most items are overall simple and they would be useful if you have them in your wardrobe. It's enjoyable to look round as they also sell accessories, bags and table ware. The shop assistants appeared to be busy due to the sale period but they politely talked to customers and I got a good impression.

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