moussy review - Fashion Collect

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Review list of moussy

[ 1-10 / 41 ]
  moussy Mito EXCEL

Went for shopping to MOUSSY Mito EXCEL shop. Bought a knit top. The inside was in chic atmosphere and everything had been totally replaced by Autumn items. When I was looking around, the staff came to talk to me. It was very helpful as she recommended some coordination that suited this top and gave me an advice. Also I was pleased as she told me about the new arrivals and popular items. I could learn for my future coordination. I wanted a pair of trousers and tried them on. Although they were very comfortable, I decided to leave them to next visit and just bought the top.

  moussy omiya arche

I love this brand more than anything else and I often go there as the shop assistants are pretty and fashionable. My favourite fashion is casual style and there are always what I want whenever I go there. My recommendation is MOUSSY's trousers. The shape of the jeans are good and they make our legs look nice. I can't count how many pairs of those jeans I've bought in the past. All varieties of T-shirts, such as simple plain T-shirts, vintage style designs and so on, are cute. The shop assistants always politely listen to us with smiles. I think you can buy what suit yourself as they also listen to our fashion issues and give us some advice.

  moussy Mito EXCEL

Purchased a pair of skinny jeans. When I was thinking about jeans, the staff came to talk to me and recommended some jeans that I could wear from this season on. She was very friendly and easy to talk to. There were already many Autumn items in the shop and the atmosphere had been totally changed. The display was tempting us to buy Autumn items and I liked it. I tried on several pairs and I could find the jeans that were in suitable size and design for me as the staff gave me some advice on those. I was pleased to be able to find very nice item.

Bought a pair of denim skinny trousers. The skinny trousers from this shop are popular among us as their shape is nice and make our legs look slimmer. The shop has dim lighting in its fashionable atmosphere and the items are well-placed for easy viewing. All the shop assistants look like models in magazines. They are all cute in nice figures and I always can't help staring at them every time I go there. They always come to talk to me and recommend the new arrivals. The staff suggested 3 different coordination to suited the skinny trousers I bought on the day and thought the style variations with me.

  moussy LAZONA Kawasaki Plaza

I was looking for a wide-brimmed straw hat. Went in MOUSSY and it was very crowded with many customers as they had a sale. There was a hat I was keen on but I couldn't find any in the shop apart from the one that a mannequin was wearing. I tried it on in front of a mirror as the design was cute and I liked it. Because I didn't know the price, I looked for a shop assistant to ask but they were chatting each other laughing. Although I said 'Excuse me', they didn't seem to hear me. I wasn't sure whether they were just concentrating to their chat or the BGM in the shop was too loud, but I lost purchase desire and I didn't buy it as I couldn't even ask the price or the shop assistants didn't notice me. I'm wondering if it improves for better shopping experience next time.

  moussy Shibuya 109

I was looking for a front opening dress with loose waist part that day and I found what I liked in this shop. Although a shop assistant came to talk to me when I was putting it against me in the mirror, I left the shop once as I wanted to look around other shops. However I was still keen on the dress in this shop and came back, I was putting it against in the mirror again. Then same staff casually talked me despite the shop was crowded. When I was thinking between 2 colours, she let me try them both on. She also brought some belts that were similar to my own and put them against the dresses while I was trying. I could eventually buy the dress that suited my own small items and I would be able to wear in different styles. I appreciate that she kindly and politely served me despite the shop was busy.

I bought a pair of skinny jeans and a T-shirt. I often buy them as I can wear its items in casual style. All the shop assistants are fashionable and cool. I totally rely on them when I shop as they suggest the styles that suit me. The price on many items is also quite reasonable and I go to MOUSSY anyway when I want to buy certain items. Please pop in MOUSSY if you want to be a fashionable girl in chic, cool style. It's on 2nd floor of Centre Walk South Building within Canal City. The shop is towards the middle part of the floor but it should be easy to find as the shop has a very open atmosphere.

  moussy LUMINE Tachikawa

I went to the shop as I wanted to see the actual item after reading a review on internet saying that skinny jeans from MOUSSY made our shapes look slender.
The shop assistants were all in good shape with long and slender legs like fashion models. I soon tried their standard skinny jeans introduced by the staff. I normally take 22 or 24 inches but 23 inches were too small so I told the staff and she brought a pair in 25 inches. I could fit in 25 inches but I felt some pain around hip as the material was hard. Then the staff brought some jeans in softer material. I liked the standard pair in harder material and didn't like the other pair because they didn't fit my thighs. I wasn't keen on any of them so I left the shop without buying anything. I wanted to go again after I went on diet and got slimmer.

  moussy LUMINE Kitasenju

I thought service was polite. A salesclerk looks so beautiful and fashionable, also has a good figure, which makes me feel nervous. But I could relax maybe because salesclerks have good natural smiles and genial even though they're beautiful like models. The service is not about selling and not too friendly. I was struggling with my cell phone to register a member. A salesclerk came to me and helped me a lot in the crowded shop.

I'm getting like leather and military fashion which are outrageous clothes when I become close to age 40 . Moussy can answer my request. I feel it is necessary to maintain my body style because the shop has lots of slim items. A salesclerk showed me a khaki military jacket the other day. The jacket can be coordinated with denim, so I decide to buy it immediately. My fashion will be full of Mussy in the future.

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