Review:No.177336 Word-of-mouth・Review of moussy omiya arche | Fashion Collect

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No.177336 Review of moussy omiya arche

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   moussy omiya arche  [ 2015/09/14 ]

I love this brand more than anything else and I often go there as the shop assistants are pretty and fashionable. My favourite fashion is casual style and there are always what I want whenever I go there. My recommendation is MOUSSY's trousers. The shape of the jeans are good and they make our legs look nice. I can't count how many pairs of those jeans I've bought in the past. All varieties of T-shirts, such as simple plain T-shirts, vintage style designs and so on, are cute. The shop assistants always politely listen to us with smiles. I think you can buy what suit yourself as they also listen to our fashion issues and give us some advice.

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