MERCURYDUO general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Tokyo-to (2003-)
Yuka Watanabe 
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: 3.5  -  Point:7,533 pt (Ranking 454)


MERCURYDUO is fashion brand which it was founded by MARK-STYLER株式会社 in japan(Tokyo-to) in 2003 and it is 21 years since the establishment. Item is Bikini, Sunglasses, Glasses, Glasses, Shorts.

Related Reviews  - MERCURYDUO -


Went shopping to MERCURY DUO within Ikebukuro PARCO at about 5pm on Sunday, 19th July. On the day before, I went to other MERCURY DUO shop in LUMINE EST Shinjuku in order to check the items available and its price. Because the store was very close from Ikebukuro station and it was on Sunday, the shop was very crowded. It was a good job that I popped in the other shop on the day before. Although I wanted to try on a dress that I later purchased and asked a shop assistant, I got bored for the long waiting time for the fitting room. I thought that the efficient way at bargain sale in the crowded shop is to buy clothes that wouldn't require trying on. Also thought that the best way to finish shopping without taking time was to decide beforehand what to buy.


I went there because I liked the dresses from this brand. MARUI has more chic atmosphere compared to LUMINE. I bought a White lace dress that wasn't too formal and could be worn even as daily use, recommended by the staff. I want to wear it for my date as well. There were many Summer items and the point I chose MERCURY DUO was that the items were lovely, cute and looked chic. It was a right choice to come to MARUI as the display was neat and it was easy to look around.


I went there to buy a dress for Summer. MERCURY DUO is my favourite as the items are feminine but we can wear in chic style. I was attracted by White tops and shorts but I bought a dress that I came for. it was a Yellow dress with Blue floral print and cute. The length was just above knee and it seemed to be easy to coordinate as I could wear it by itself. There were many Summer items such as beautiful dresses and Skelton bags but I didn't buy anything else. I want to save up to go there again..

I bought a all-in-one. I was brest feeding, so I went to buy clothing that were easy to breat feed, and classy. It was shopping that I had not done for a while, I wanted to know what would be trendy clothing, and the store associate gave me various suggestion so I was satisfied with the shopping experience. I did not know the store associate, but she served me very well, and she even gave me some information that could be useful for the shopping next time. It is located on the third floor right after you get off from the escalator so you will not miss it.

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