JUSGLITTY general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Tokyo-to
ARPEGE Co,. Ltd. 
Main item
Web site

Official : http://jusglitty.jp

Online shop : http://ap-story.jp/jusglitty/index.html?aid2=catalog_jus


Twitter  : https://twitter.com/jusglitty_blog

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/JUSGLITTY

: 4.5  -  Point:6,503 pt (Ranking 4,620)


JUSGLITTY is fashion brand which it was founded by ARPEGE Co,. Ltd. in japan(Tokyo-to). Item is Mouton Court, Choker, One piece docking, Muffler, Chiffon Dress.

Related Reviews  - JUSGLITTY -


I bought a Beige trench coat. I chose a simple one to wear for a long time. This is a shop I sometimes go to and The way the shop assistants serve customers appears to be just following their manual but they politely deal with us. The shop is small and it's a bit difficult to pass by when someone else is there. However I think it has many items for this size of the shop.


I bought a skirt. I was looking for something I could wear for work, and was particularly interested in one pieces or skirts, and with the help of the store associates advice, I decided to purchase a skirt that goes well with any clothing. The store is targeting at 20s or 30s female workers as a customers, and you can find some trendy cute office wears. I think you will not miss it since its located at the third floor of Supporo Daimaru.

   JUSGLITTY marui City Yokohama

I bought my first winter duffle coat. I wanted to buy a duffle coat that was sterdily made, so I checked online and found a cute coat with beautiful fur so called Jass Gritty. I went into the store, and as I looked at the coat, a beautiful store associate started a conversation with me, and when I told her the shape I wanted, she brought some suggestion quickly so I tried them on. It was a little steep, but the store associate told me how to wear them in details and I liked the shape so I purchased it! I was satisfied since I received a pair of cloves as a novelty goodie.

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