JILL STUART general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
America (1994-)
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.jillstuart.jp/

Online shop : https://www.jillstuart.jp/


Twitter  : https://twitter.com/JILLSTUART_JP

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/JILLSTUART.JP

: 4.7  -  Point:8,109 pt (Ranking 85)


JILL STUART is fashion brand which it was founded by Jill STUART which was bearing its own name in america in 1994 and it is 30 years since the establishment. Item is Tights, Sunglasses, blouse, Shorts, Knit.

Related Reviews  - JILL STUART -


Jill Stuart is the brand I admire. As soon as I start working, I save up my money and go shopping. I think their clothing are class, beautiful, and highly sophisticated. Dresses or handbags are comparatively steep, but t-shirts or cardigans are somewhat affordable even for me. The paper bags that they put the merchandise in are very cute and I always keep it to use it as additional bag. It's got a logo on it, and it is cute and remarkable. I bought pastel pink color bag the other day, and I like how when the bag is zipped up it would look like a bow.


I bought a navy one piece that newly came to the store for spring-summer season. It had black bijou attached at the side of the pockets, but it was not too girly, and I thought someone who was older can wear as well. I sometimes go to this store, but the store associate talks to me and treats me well, so it was a bit pricey store, but I cannot help buying things from them. It is located in the center of the on the first floor, and the store was not too spacious, but they have a cute decorations, and the display was easy to see.

There are a lot of cute store inside Hankyu-Umeda, but I think Jill Stewart is the cutest. The store is very classy and cute, and the store associates are all pretty, so even if you don’t buy anything, you can enjoy window shopping. Being in the store makes me feel so special. I buy light color clothing that are good to wear on a date. I especially like the ones that you can see the skin a bit with lace. Jill Stewart has cuteness that only Jill Stewart can creat.


I went to the shop as I found a skirt I liked on their website.
I often go to that shop and the staff remembers my face, casually talks to me. They told me the latest co-ordination ideas and said I could have more variations by wearing combo items separately. The shop is easy to find as it's just before the toilet on the 1st basement floor. It's big and relaxing so easy to look and choose. Easy for mums with pushchairs, too. There are dresses for parties and wedding receptions.

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